Event Schedule
Wednesday, April 17th
4 PM
McHenry Lobby, Whalen Center
Pop-Up Pub
Welcoming all faculty, staff, and students for a casual get together. Specialty cocktails, local wine and beer, cheese and crackers, and nonalcoholic beverages will be available.
Monday, April 22nd
10:00 AM
Textor Hallway
Sustainability Fair
Join ten local businesses in sharing their products and the importance of sustainability in entrepreneurship.
Tuesday, April 23rd
5:00 PM
School of Business 111
Sustainable Fashion
Join us for a panel about sustainable fashion in Ithaca and Tompkins County. Panelists include Margaret Frey, Professor of Fiber Science and Apparel Design at Cornell; Hudson, Owner of downtown vintage store, Evergreen; and Lilian Griselda Pagoada, Local Environmental Fashion Activist.
Bring your own cups and pizza is provided!
Wednesday, April 24th
5:00 PM
314 E State Street
Demo Day at REV
Students with fully formed plans for launching a business, and those who have recently launched, will have the opportunity to pitch to seasoned entrepreneurs for a share of $15,000 in cash for their business. Find out which one is the most sustainable!
Thursday, April 25th
12:10 PM
School of Business 111
Sustainability Colloquium
Join IC students for a colloquium on sustainability centered academic projects.
Bring your own cups and pizza is provided!
Doors open at 5:00 PM
Textor 101
Keynote Speaker:
Trespassing Across America: One Man's Epic, Never-Done-Before (and sort of illegal) Hike Along the Keystone XL Pipeline
Random audience members will receive a surprise gift!!
Friday, April 26th
12:00 PM
Campus Center Outside Space
Come check out a portable and sustainable tiny house outside of CC.